Single Parent Life in Jersey, UK: Support, Resources, and Community Help

Single parenting in Jersey, UK, is challenging but also rewarding. Attempting to balance work, child-rearing, and having time for yourself, there’s always a feeling of being under stress. But Jersey offers numerous systems of support for single mums to be able to manage their lives with confidence. From money and community groups to the offering …

A Safe and Stylish Choice for Family Homes in Jersey: Modern Electrical Fixtures

Light switches may not be the first feature that comes to mind in home design, but they play a surprisingly significant role in shaping the atmosphere and functionality of family spaces. Their sleek, understated design and clear light switches combine style and practicality, making them a perfect fit for family homes across Jersey. Parents, in …

Playgroups in St. Helier

Information on playgroups in St Helier, Jersey. If any details are incorrect or you would like a group adding please email Toddler Church Group for 0-4 year olds. There is tea, toast, activities and a short age-appropriate service. MONDAYS 10am-  11.30am St Helier Methodist Centre. Contact: St Mark’s Sparks Activities and free play for tots aged …