A Safe and Stylish Choice for Family Homes in Jersey: Modern Electrical Fixtures

Light switches may not be the first feature that comes to mind in home design, but they play a surprisingly significant role in shaping the atmosphere and functionality of family spaces. Their sleek, understated design and clear light switches combine style and practicality, making them a perfect fit for family homes across Jersey. Parents, in …

Playgroups in St. Helier

Information on playgroups in St Helier, Jersey. If any details are incorrect or you would like a group adding please email info@mumsinjersey.co.uk Toddler Church Group for 0-4 year olds. There is tea, toast, activities and a short age-appropriate service. MONDAYS 10am-  11.30am St Helier Methodist Centre. Contact: office@methodistcentre.je St Mark’s Sparks Activities and free play for tots aged …